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CC-130J Hercules

The CC-130J Hercules tactical airlifter is used for a wide range of missions, including troop transport, tactical airlift and aircrew training.

It can land and airdrop heavy loads of equipment, supplies and personnel into hostile environments. The J-model Hercules can operate from unpaved airstrips in active operations and carry up to 92 fully equipped paratroopers or 128 passengers.


436 Transport Squadron

436 Transport Squadron was formed in India during World War II late in 1944. Equipped with the C-47 Dakota, the Squadron's role was to supply troops and materiel to the Allied 14th Army in Burma.

Proud of their heritage and achievements in air transport, 436 (T) Squadron operates the "workhorse" of the Royal Canadian Air Force transport fleet - the venerable CC-130J Hercules.

Living up to their motto "Onus Portamus" ("We Carry The Load"), 436 (T) Squadron members are tasked with carrying personnel and materiel on a global response basis.

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